Sharp Guidance

Guidance & Reflection – Week 24

by | Feb 8, 2021 | General


Week 24

God, what guidance do you have for me today?

Be well, today.


To be well is a matter

of faith, knowing

that I am with you in all of

your circumstances,

and that my love

is always flowing to you

wherever you go.

Let your soul be well

regardless of the state of your

physical body

or present life challenges.


Be well today.

Give all concerns to me and trust.


Can you do this, today?


Week 24


Evening Reflection

It continues to amaze me (but not surprise me) how these daily guidances play out in the course of the day. Though deeply personal, I am constantly awed at the way they are not just for me.

I received a phone call from someone who was afraid. He was in the midst of a great transition and feared for the future. He was concerned about how he would make it in life, earn a living and wondered whether he would ever feel settled again. During the conversation I was guided to offer the encouragement to be well and that God was with him in his circumstances. I suggested he give it all to God and trust.

Trust is a precious thing. And it need not be a blind trust. I helped the man to remember some past challenges that resolved positively and recall how those things were worked out. I helped him remember past victories, which helps strengthen trust and allows one to move forward in faith; to forge ahead into the unknown.

We prayed and thanked God for the remembered blessings. We ended with “Thy will be done.” To give it all to God is not always easy. But to the extent one can do it peace can replace fear.

How did you do with being well, today?



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