Sharp Guidance

Guidance & Reflection – Week 4

by | Sep 22, 2020 | General



Week 4


God, what guidance do you have for me today?

Be the breath of life, today. Be the breath of life, today. Let all you say and do be an exhale of goodness.

Let your words be refreshment… your smile a soft breeze kissing.

Let your touch be a gentle affirmation and your manner be an open welcome.

Let joy blow through your soul and tickle your spirit. May it spill over into laughter and enter the high realm of playfulness.

Inhale, and breathe in the beauty of creation… the wonder of being… the awe of existence… of life… and the gift of your life.

Let your life bless  others with the joy of your living. Let each in-breath be a miracle you hold within… and each out-breath a sharing of divinity’s love.


Week 3

Evening Reflection


Okay… so as long as I have been writing these daily guidances – and living into them, I am still surprised at the challenges they can present. It is not so much the guidances themselves, but the people that show up to test whether I can live the guidance in the moment! Okay… so as long as I have been writing these daily guidances – and living into them, I am still surprised at the challenges they can present. It is not so much the guidances themselves, but the people that show up to test whether I can live the guidance in the moment!

Almost immediately after writing this, I encountered several challenging situations. People in a bad mood, people with a sour attitude, and even of couple of people where arrogance was palpable.

Did I really want to be the breath of life with them? To be like a soft breeze KISSING? Did I want to be their refreshment? 

NO! I didn’t.

But that was my ego. The other answer is… Yes, I did want to be the breath of life.

Which me won?

With the guidance as a reminder and silently asking God to infuse me with all the qualities needed to follow the guidance called for… I managed to tell my ego it was not the boss of me… and I battled through my ego’s formidable challenge to be as loving, refreshing, soft and gentle as I could be. I even tried letting what joy I could muster spill over into laughter… even if I was the only one laughing.

Maybe I will try this guidance again tomorrow… or next week… or next year. I’m glad God knows I’m doing the best I can.

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