Sharp Guidance

Guidance & Reflection – Week 190

by | Sep 14, 2023 | General

WEEK 190

God, what is your guidance for me today?

Be still

within your soul…

like a deep lake.

Let your joy

be like gentle ocean waves

bringing the refreshment

of your spirit to those you meet.

Be gentle…

like a soft rain

soothing the dryness of life.

Let the living waters

of Holy Presence

fill you with grace

and peace and love.

May you shower

all whom you encounter

with love’s joy and kindness.

And may the grace

you give be returned to you…

received with gladness and humility,

as God’s holy ambassador, this day.


Evening Reflection 

To be still within your soul is to give to the Supreme Presence all you are… and then to rest in the knowing that you have been brought this far by God’s grace. A measure of peace is the result of trusting God. To be still is a way to usher in peace – allowing yourself to become powerfully aware of divinity surrounding you and holding you.

As my wife and son were leaving for an outing where they would spend most of the day together, I bounded down the stairs to see them off. Rather than a groggy morning goodbye, I became the joyful wave, kissing and hugging them off with a wave and a smile.

Life can be very mundane, dry, and boring. It is up to us to infuse those times with our juiciness.


Humor, laughter, and joy. These can be seen in one’s lightness of being. And this lightness is due to giving one’s burdens to the Almighty and leaving them there.

Jesus talked about taking in living water… which is Holy Spirit’s divine Presence in us. Holy Spirit fills us from the inside out so that we can then bring blessing, grace, and hope to those whom we are called to. It is not us, though, that does the doing. It is Spirit through us as we open ourselves to be of service.

When we are serving others, we do not need anything in return. But what we do receive is the knowing that we have indeed become a servant of God. 

That is a precious knowing indeed.

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