Sharp Guidance

Finding Your Center

by | Sep 24, 2023 | General



Finding Your Center

Do you have days when you feel as if your life is swirling like a tornado all around you with the strong winds pulling you off course as you duck to avoid the flying debris? 

In moments like these, how do you find your center? 

Our days can often be filled with stress. Sometimes we can struggle in almost every aspect from a commute and day at work navigating our busy schedule and colleagues, maintaining our relationships with our loved ones, raising our children and being available for them, attending to our own health and well-being, and even more. 

So, how can we find the constant amidst the chaos that swirls around us? 

How can we access a state of harmony, calm, and centeredness when we need it most? 

And then, how can we be the solid ground for others to lean on when the unrelenting winds blow wildly all around us? 

Let me share with you a way to find that calm center, in the midst of a storm, in just a few minutes. 

    1. First, find a place where you can sit comfortably without being disturbed.
    2. Close your eyes. Take a few slow, deep breaths. 
    3. Think of a place where you feel calm and relaxed. Picture yourself there. Maybe it’s a beach or another place in nature. Imagine yourself relaxing there. 

4. While you imagine yourself in a relaxed state in one of your favorite peaceful places, picture golden light shining all around you and within you. 

5. Continue to breathe slowly as you picture this warm light that embraces you and shines through you. Know that it’s divine light that holds and supports you. 

6. Stay in that place until you feel the chaos and stress dissolve, and you have found a calmer and more peaceful state. 

7. When you’re ready, open your eyes and come back to your day, but now in a more relaxed state. 

8. Allow yourself to return to this place whenever you need to!

In those everyday moments of stress, you can move from chaos to calm in an instant. And when you enter back into your day, the light will shine throughout your whole being and others will be helped by your constancy.

Find more inspiration for daily living in my recent book, ANNIE RUTH’S TRUTH, and you can also connect with me HERE.

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