WEEK 170
God, what is your guidance for me today?
Be a good steward of what is given you.
This includes your gifts and talents
as well as your material possessions.
Perform with excellence the work
that is yours to do.
Be joyful in the doing of it
and grateful for having it to do.
Honor the calling within you to
serve others by offering your skills,
knowledge and wisdom…
even as you learn from those
you serve.
honor the Creator by giving all
credit for successes and accomplishments
to the Divine Presence that oversees the
unfolding of creation and allows all this is…
to be.
This day, walk humbly in the world
knowing all you are and all you
do is under the watchful, loving eyes
of God, the omniscient One who
sees all.
Evening Reflection
This guidance was a beautiful reminder that our gifts and talents are a blessing. And that it is good that we are reminded to appreciate them.
I taught a class today and kept the guidance in my mind. I was conscious of doing the work with joy. I was also conscious of my gratitude for the work and for having the skills to do the work. Afterwards, at the end of class the students all applauded. I had been very conscious of the quality of serving others, and I believe they intuited this as a group.
After class, no one quite wanted to leave. We talked for a bit, and I learned so much from them. They were older students with full lives and had rich stories to tell and wisdom to share.
When we do our work in the world with joy, others can feel it. They can hear it in our voices and see it in our eyes. After receiving verbal compliments, I let them know that I know each of them has something they can do as well… and that we are given our gifts by Creator to be used in service to others. I thanked them for allowing me to share mine with them.
The guidance also reminded me that the Creator sees what we are doing. Of course, not with human eyes… but all is contained in God… and all is known. And because God is Love, there was a feeling of great comfort, knowing that my work was being “seen” and held in the love of God.