Sharp Guidance

Guidance & Reflection – Week 169

by | Apr 30, 2023 | General

WEEK 169

God what is your guidance for me today?

Take it easy…

and let the best of you come through, today.

Don’t try to be a certain way.

Don’t force words or behavior.

Don’t do anything that goes against the

natural grain of who you are.

Just live into this day gently,

allowing the beauty of your soul

to shine its warmth.

Let your speaking reflect your graciousness

and your manner be kind and hospitable.

Breathe calmly,

with trust that your path is unfolding

as it should.

Walk lightly in the world today,

allowing yourself to be a feather on the 

breath of God…

allowing the beauty of your spirit to glow.


Evening Reflection 

When a guidance like today’s comes through, I relish in the affirmation and the quality of divinity that seems very present. All of these guidances have been given to me. They are not manufactured. Still, some of them ring with a quality that feels like more direct contact. This is one of. That last line… ”allowing the beauty of your spirit to glow”… is a powerful affirmation that the spirit we have – that all people have – is beautiful. But that is because God made us. Out of a great love came humanity. But it does not mean everyone is being beautiful.

To allow the beauty of your spirit to glow, you must get out of your way and allow the presence of Spirit to come through. How to do that? Realize that ego can block us from being our best selves. It wants to be the best part of us. We have to actually let ego go, as much as we can in every moment, situation, and circumstance. This allows humility to rise in us. Humility is anathema to ego. But it is precious to Divinity.

Humility then, allows the ego to move to a less conspicuous place in our inner world. This, in turn, allows the best of us to come through. The divinity within us is not held back and can flow as we exhibit our higher qualities.

To be a feather on the breath of God, which is a sentiment of the first woman preacher on our planet, St. Hildegard of Bingen… is to trade ego for grace, selfish will for Divine Will. It is to trust God, wherever that may take you.


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