Sharp Guidance

Guidance & Reflection – Week 160

by | Mar 17, 2023 | General

WEEK 160

God, how would you have me live into this day? What is your guidance for me?

Root yourself in love, today.

Let it be the ground of your being.

No matter how the winds of life blow today,

stand firm in the strength of love. 

It will hold you.

Let all you do and say be the fruit

of lovingkindness in you.

Be bold in showing this love

and place no conditions on it.

See everyone today as a part of you

and treat yourself well.

Be gentle, kind, patient,

longsuffering and forgiving.

Let peace exude from the depths of you 

and allow divinity’s light to shine in your eyes.

Breathe in Love…

Breathe out Peace.

Breathe in Peace…

Breathe out Love.


Evening Reflection 

When this guidance came through today, I actually thought it would be relatively easy. Today taught me that no matter how far you think you have grown spiritually, there is a test that can challenge where you think you are. It also taught me that tests can come from a single person, right in your home, without you even seeing it coming. The test can sneak up on you and smack you in the face – with one question… like, “Why are you so solemn, today?”, which I wasn’t. I was watching a sports event on television and was focusing.

Anyway, as the questions persisted, I was pulled out of my peace and love – quite easily, I might add. Defensiveness took over; debate turned into argument. The proverbial devil was laughing as I did nothing the guidance had guided me to do so far.

At halftime of the game, I went upstairs to get a snack – and decided to read the guidance again, which I had in my pocket. Upon reading it I just started laughing. I thought of Newton’s third law of motion, which states that for every action there is an equal and opposite reaction. Another way to understand it is that interaction causes forces. It is almost as if the guidance was one side of a coin and the challenge, equal and opposite, was the other side. 

But spirit is about essence. It is about power, not force, or forces. I re-committed to live out the guidance – to root myself in love and follow guidance the rest of the day. I consciously began speaking and acting in love instead of ego and everything changed for the better between us. 

I also learned that grown daughters can still be little girls at heart, and still want daddy’s attention… even if he is watching an amazing NBA basketball Finals game!

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