Sharp Guidance

Create Ripples of Kindness in the World

by | Jan 18, 2023 | General



I invite you to be unexpectedly kind today. Yes, be kind in a way that’s unexpected by others! 

When you extend an act of kindness to someone without expecting anything in return, it creates a ripple effect. Others will more likely be kind in return – to you and to others. 

Everyone you encounter is divine, as you are too. Your own divinity will encounter the divinity in others if you are present to the moment as you act with kindness.  

Enjoy each moment as the gift that it is.  

Here are a few acts of kindness to get you started! Be creative and add more as you move through your day. 

  1. Text a friend or family member to tell them you are thinking about them. 
  2. Offer to run an errand for someone in need. 
  3. Leave a drink or snack for a delivery driver. 
  4. Extend appreciation to a colleague at work for the work they did. 
  5. Write a positive review of a business or restaurant you enjoy. 

And don’t forget a little kindness to yourself. Maybe treat yourself to some flowers or a favorite treat! 

As you reach the end of your day, imagine your acts of kindness floating out like ripples of waves on an ocean, creating a positive impact in the world. 

Find more inspiration for daily living in my book, Power for Life, and connect with me here.


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