Sharp Guidance

Open the Door to Your Heart and Let Kindness Flow

by | Jul 6, 2022 | General



Today, let’s remember that kindness is far greater than strength of force. 

I invite you to join me and let’s awaken our hearts to compassion and kindness. Let’s share it with everyone we encounter today. 

It’s a choice we have, and let’s choose to be kind and compassionate in all situations and to all beings today. 

Remember that events are temporary. They’ll pass soon. 

So, today if you encounter a person or situation that starts to fill you with disappointment or anger or frustration, take a moment to refocus your energy and open the door to your heart. Let your kindness and compassion flow to this person or event. 

Remember that the other person in this situation isn’t very different from you. They too want to enjoy life, be loved, and not struggle. 

You can be like a peaceful meadow with the warm sun shining upon it. As you extend your kindness and compassion, imagine the sun’s rays warming the grass.

It’ll make a difference in a person’s day and maybe their life! 

Pema Chodron, a Buddhist nun, shares these words so beautifully, 

“It is a simple human truth that everyone, just like you, wants to be happy and to avoid suffering. 

Just like you, everyone else wants to have friends, to be accepted and loved, to be respected and valued for their unique qualities, to be healthy and to feel comfortable with themselves.  

Just like you, no one else wants to be friendless and alone, to be looked down upon by others, to be sick, to feel inadequate and depressed.”

May we remember this today and spread a little more compassion and kindness into the world even if just for today! 

Find more inspiration for daily living in my book, Power for Life, and connect with me here.



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