Sharp Guidance

Guidance & Reflection – Week 119

by | Jul 18, 2022 | General



WEEK 119

God, what is your guidance for me today? How may I serve The Great Work?

Anything that you become better at,

the universe becomes better at.

What you do, the universe does.

What you become, the universe adds to 

its isness.


be just a bit better…

at what is your choice.

You will know as the day unfolds.

It could be exhibiting a bit more

patience, or being less judgmental,

or smiling when you wouldn’t before, or

being more generous with your time, money or

talents. It could be being just a little bit more compassionate.

Do not force anything. Just be better.

Remember, as long as you are alive

there are places and spaces within you 

that can grow… if you are willing.

The soul continues even after we leave

our bodies, and the opportunity for soul growth 

is part of the gift of existing.


let your soul be nourished by love’s graces.

The soul knows what it needs to do

and it will let you know what to do

for you to be a better you, today.

Are you willing?


Evening Reflection 

A spiritual challenge to become better contains its equal and opposite possibility; you could become worse. There are always two sides to a coin and every spiritual advancement contains a temptation to the opposite. It could simply be a feeling of not wanting to do the work it takes to be a bit better. And where that feeling comes from can be mysterious; especially if… in the same breath, we tell ourselves we really do want to be better people.

I was home most of this day. Still, the encouragement to be better applied. Our homes are the raw material from which to work out life. Our living environments are the laboratories where we discover and experiment, where we test and examine. At their best homes can be place of protection, support, encouragement, and love.

To be better is an act of will. And it is a moment-by-moment challenge. In my home today, my challenge was centered around patience. That is, being there for someone else even if they said I didn’t need to be. It was dropping my agenda to be present for another. Another part of the day’s challenge was fielding messages from the outside world, through texts and calls, with calm, love and compassion.

The universe knows where you are and can get to you anywhere, even in your home. Life can challenge you right where you are… even when you are alone. Getting better is not about where you are; it is about who you are now… in each and every moment.


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