Sharp Guidance

How are you?

by | Jun 1, 2022 | General


Not long ago, I decided to follow the higher guidance I received for the day (check out inspirational guidance for daily living in my book Power for Life) and open my heart to be even more sensitive to others’ struggles that day. I decided I’d let my own fade into the background.

With each person I encountered that day, I asked, “How are you?” But not in the usual manner that we typically do here in the USA, where we expect a short response of “fine” or “doing well.” 

I asked with the intention of being aware and sensitive to the other person. I asked with compassion and real interest in their well-being. I asked with a smile on my face, a caring tone in my words, and a willingness in my heart to hear a real response. 

And, guess what?!

People responded with openness and vulnerability. 

They answered with honesty and authenticity. 

And I discovered I could be helpful to them, even if that help was simply compassionate listening for that day. 

So simple, it seems. But how often do we truly listen with full presence to another? 

And how often do we, as human beings, just want to be heard, to have someone listen and understand with a warm heart? 

I invite you to give it a try for a day! 

Ask those you encounter, “How are you?”  But ask with compassion and true interest in their welfare and happiness. 

Smile with your eyes. 

Share a loving word or a gentle touch. 

Give your silent attention and presence as a gift. 

Be open to listening to what others share. Set your own burdens aside. 

Just be present for those who need to be heard or understood during the day. Open your heart and make room to hold their concerns and suffering. 

And, then at the end of the day, reflect upon your day. How did it go? What did you experience? 

You might be surprised! 

For more inspiration and transformation, join Jeannine and me for our NEW Virtual day-long Retreat “The 4 Enlightened Steps on your illuminated Path” via Zoom on June 10th. Register HERE.



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