Sharp Guidance

Guidance & Reflection – Week 94

by | Mar 21, 2022 | General




God, what is your guidance for me today?

Open yourself to fresh ideas.

If a new thought, method or direction

comes your way,

listen or take a good look.

Do not be too quick to judge.

Even if it turns out not to be for you,

you will have increased your knowledge

and understanding today.

The Divine likes to surprise as much

as prepare…

so be ready to receive with

curiosity and interest.


Because you are still becoming and

evolving, not just coasting on who you

are and have been.

What if no fresh ideas come your way


Enjoy the day off. Rest your mind.

An avalanche of ideas may be sent

your way tomorrow.

Be ready. I am hardly done with you.

Evening Reflection 

Even the simplest guidance can end up being just what you needed. It can emphasize an aspect of your life that you wouldn’t ordinarily think to focus on. Today’s guidance was like that for me.

It sparked me to think about trying a new way to do my taxes, which I’d been thinking I would try for the last few years. Well, I did it. It turned out not to be for me, but I learned a whole lot that will help me going forward.

Beyond that, today’s guidance was a general call not to stop growing and becoming. Not to get so set in my ways that I do not have room for new ideas. Evolution is ongoing and as long as we are here, we are part of it. 

It is very possible to decide that you are done, and so you coast. But to choose continued growth of one’s soul no matter your present age takes a willingness to view life in a larger context; one that includes your life even beyond your physical body.

I know there are many areas in which I can grow, mature, and become a deeper, richer soul.

What for?

To allow a brighter light to shine from my inner being. To give back to God the gift of becoming all I can be with this gift of life. To serve God more fully.

What did this guidance yield in your day?

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