Sharp Guidance

Guidance & Reflection – Week 90

by | Feb 19, 2022 | General




God, what is your guidance for me today?

Consider the content and context of your life.

The content are the ingredients: 

Your job, home, car, education… the things you collect and hold onto…

the things you own… how much money you have, what you do for fun… 

your positionalities, opinions, attitudes, and prejudices.

The context are the circumstances and conditions that surround your life,

that contribute to the setting of your birth and inform your level of consciousness.

It includes family, country of origin, time in history you are born…

social and political conditions of the day… 

spiritual perspectives of those around you and society in general… 

why you do what you do for fun… 

your awareness of a larger reality and what it means to you.

Think about what fuels your drive. 

What motivates your goals? 

What do you hope is your ultimate achievement?

Is it to collect more content? All you can?

Is it to help others increase their content? 

If not, then what?

Is it to deepen and expand your own soul?

Is it to contribute to others’ growth 

and understanding of their soul and spirit? 

If not, then what?

Is it the betterment of life for yourself?

The betterment of life for others?

The betterment of life in general?

If not, then what?

Think about whether you are more focused

on content or context, and the relative importance of each in your life.

Decide what that means for you as you continue your journey

in life today.

I know it is a lot to ask… but just give it a go.

Evening Reflection 

OK… Whoa!… This was a doozy for just one day! 

Stlll.. what an important guidance. To consider the content of your life is profound. The question not asked is, are you owned by what your content and what you own, or is it a tool for something greater?

I have always wanted to do God’s will. Even when I was in high school, I prayed for God’s guidance for my life. Sure, it helped having a pastor for a dad. But still, I got an answer to the question of my life’s direction. It was that my becoming an artist/entertainer could be used for good… for God. The context of my life was informing the content!

To pit content vs. context is really a no-win situation for content. Content can change at any time. Context does not change so easily. Hence the saying… it is what it is.

As I pondered this today, I was glad to affirm that my content was not more important than my context. 

Context is a more advanced perspective to live from. It puts the content of one’s life in perspective.


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