Sharp Guidance

Guidance & Reflection – Week 87

by | Jan 20, 2022 | General




God, what is your guidance for me today?

Let love flow from you

like waves of the ocean…

always moving toward others

like waves toward land.

The ebb and flow are the

spaces between your contacts 

with people.

May each interaction bring

a new swell of divinity

filled with beauty, sincerity and love,

landing on the shores of another’s soul

with delight and joy.

May your spirit be a reminder

of the love of the 


And may you be

a refreshment to the

souls of all you come across


Evening Reflection 

Catching an early morning flight to go on vacation for a few days can be an exercise in  UGH! And it can test your resolve to be kind as you deal with heavy luggage, lines at the airport, and impatient people crowding into airplanes.

Once settled into my airplane seat my thoughts turned to the ocean, as I was excited to be going to the seashore. Today’s guidance was for me a reminder to not let the hassle of travel overtake the larger context of the beauty, awe and wonder of where I was headed. 

The metaphor of ocean was a wonderful reminder of some of the qualities of waves, allowing me to catch the symbolism and use it today to stay present to divinity. 

What is your evening response to the guidance today?


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