Sharp Guidance

Guidance & Reflection – Week 66

by | Sep 27, 2021 | General





Week 66

God, what guidance do you have for me today?

Be conscientious of your purpose and calling, today. 

Take stock of where you are.

Look at all of the things you are doing 

to see how they are contributing to your inner knowing 

and how you are living out your calling.

This includes care of your body, your use of time 

and your spiritual practice.

What are the challenges that most effectively

block you in performing your purpose?

Today, write down your purpose and calling.

Write it in the fewest words you can.

Look at what you have written and let it speak to you. 

Listen for any changes or additions. If so, make them.

If all seems right with it, take the time to pray.

Give thanks for your life and for knowing your work 

in the world. Celebrate with thanks for the blessings 

and ask for continued guidance for the work ahead. 

Take a deep breath… and be at peace

Take a deep breath… and be at peace.





Evening Reflection

The human ego is relentless in its desire and effort to be the God of you. It does not want to surrender to a higher power. It wants to be the higher power.

Taking stock of where you are is also a chance to see how your ego is doing. My dreams as a 20-something are still hanging around. So are my 30-something hopes and my 40-something fears. Success is getting what you want and happiness is wanting what you get. Still, there may be pockets in your soul with unfulfilled dreams, ambitions still alive, and even resentment against God for the struggles of it all and for not reaching certain heights you set. That is ego.

Today’s guidance is not about status or position in the world’s eyes. It is about whether one has given their gifts and talents. Talented, gifted people can choose from a million different jobs, careers, etc. But the calling is consistent and can be carried out in many different arenas.

My purpose and calling is to inspire people to not give up on life; to help them see the worth of living amidst life’s challenges and to help them see the beauty and divinity of creation, no matter the darkness or evil presented. I can affirm that I have been in my calling. I can also affirm I have not killed my ego. It is still there whispering and tempting me to ambition or to be resentful of what I have not achieved. However, my ego has met God and is not at all happy that I have chosen God over it. It can still feel it raising its voice in me but through the grace of God’s love, compassion and power I can say, “Thy will be don, not mine.” 


Therein lies peace.


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