Sharp Guidance

Guidance & Reflection – Week 63

by | Sep 12, 2021 | General







Week 63

God, how would you have me live into the world today?


live as a servant; one who serves

the divine presence of life and love.

How to do this?

Let divine love emanate from you.


See all people as blessed creations…

mirror and acknowledge this in what you say,

how you say it, the tone and texture of

your voice, how you behave with those

you meet, and the manner of your being.

Be aware and attentive to the Spirit

in you that is Holy… as it guides you in

how you may serve others.

It may be a simple smile, or a timely

compliment or affirmation.

It may be silent support or a gentle

nod of understanding.

You will know

if you stay open today.

Will you?





Week 63


Evening Reflection

Today was a good day to be especially conscious of this guidance. I served as the musician for my wife’s healing work. She sang chants and taught them to the participants. My job was to furnish beautiful accompaniment. To do this, I had to listen closely to the words of the song, as I was improvising on the spot. I had to be aware of how the participants were doing. If I felt them being shy in their singing, I used chords that I felt would help bring them into more courage. As they sang of peace of beauty I tried to match the sentiment with the right sounds and chord textures. I was in service to the Great Work; the work that Spirit was doing through Jeannine. The energy in the room was powerful and palpable, and the response from the participants was so affirming of the work we were doing.

Later in the evening I was a guest poet at a house concert. It was an evening celebrating the re-engagement of two people who had isolated themselves from the world. One was a woman who had lost a son to suicide, and the other a man who was going through the challenges of remembering sexual abuse as a boy. I chose poems I had written that honored the challenges of life, the strength to endure, and the triumph that brings us back to wholeness. I spoke while live music was playing as accompaniment. I delivered the poems differently than ever before because of the music. I stretched out with my senses and felt the audience, looked into their eyes, responded to slight movements of their bodies as well as the subtle musical changes from the live band. I did all this while being conscious of serving Spirit; who was obviously (at least to me) present… and I just went with the divine flow. The audience responded with enthusiasm, tears, and cheers. The evening was a beautiful example of how being a servant of Spirit can yield an outcome we may not have predicted. 

What happened in your day with this guidance?


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