Sharp Guidance

Guidance & Reflection – Week 55

by | Jul 26, 2021 | General

Week 55

God, what guidance do you have for me today?

Remember that your path is overseen

by my omniscience.

Let this give you confidence born of humility.

Remember that your freewill is accompanied by my grace.

Let this aid your compassion and appreciation.

Invite me into all that you do today. 

Into your thoughts, decisions and actions.

Sense my gifts of inspiration as a 

breeze gently blowing through your own ideas.

With faith born of your trust in my love

for you,

allow the day to unfold as it will 

while doing your work and

performing your tasks with excellence.

Do not worry about what you cannot 


leave it to me.

When you come to a challenge, ask for guidance.

Then listen quietly for it. 

I will reveal it in your heart, mind and soul.

Remember that the angels are with you also,

ready to aid you in powerful ways.

Live your life with joy today, 

and they will join you in great support.

Week 55

Evening Reflection

Today is one of those days I needed all of this guidance be true, and to work. And it did. My wife and I were scheduled to perform at an art exhibit opening in the city’s main library. As we were setting up, people would ask us what we were going to do. As spiritual teachers and inspirational performers, it is always a bit challenging to explain what we do to the uninitiated. We just said we were going to sing and dance. We would be performing for thirty minutes and it would include two tap dance numbers, two original songs about divine love, and a rock song by David Bowie where we would sing and tap dance.

We already knew the challenge would be the sound. The library hadn’t done this kind of event before in an open gallery and as we rehearsed the day before, we realized they did not have an adequate sound system for any of us performers. We had offered our own sound system and were turned down. I watched as poets and storytellers were drowned out by the cacophony of sound from attendees socializing in the gallery, milling about and conversing about the visual artists’ pieces. I listened as the music of other dancers could barely be heard; as they struggled to keep their rhythm and stay in step. 

When it was out turn to perform, Jeannine and I gave it to God. We did bring our own dance floor that was raised and had a lively sound, but it was to no avail, as people talked above our taps. But we performed with joy and trusted our professionalism. We spotted a few angels in the crowd who truly paid attention to us and we performed to them. Afterwards, in great support, we were affirmed by several who understood what we were up against, and who enjoyed watching us nonetheless. We were even told we had more fun than anyone else there. That is really what worked. We experienced the grace that that allowed us to enjoy each other as we performed no matter the obstacles. And a few people noticed. We experienced that our joy and fun trumped any challenge to sound. We sang our songs and danced joyously. That is all anyone can do in life. Sing their song and dance joyously. The results are in God’s hands.


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