Sharp Guidance

Guidance & Reflection – Week 51

by | Jul 5, 2021 | General

Week 51

God, what guidance do you have for me today?

Listen to your life.

Hear what it is saying to you,

telling you.

Listen to the questions you are

being asked from deep within,

just below a whisper… echoing in silence.

Just listen.

Do not try to answer them, yet.

Just listen.

Do not judge them,

allow them space.

With calmness and gentleness of breath

spend this day with your life

as if in the company of 

a dear friend.

Listen with patience

for this voice of your inner being.

It is there as a gift of your being alive,

given from my holy spirit to you.

Let all you hear in the soundings

of your soul be filtered through faith

in my “yes” to you.

Do not be afraid to hear your life.

Let it speak to you, today,

and listen…

with love.

Week 51

Evening Reflection

Listen to your life? What a thing to try and do!

This was an amazing guidance. Firstly, it brought up the how of it. How do you listen to your life? Secondly, I realized that I talk to myself a lot. But that is not necessarily my life talking to me. I know my ego talks to me a lot. In fact, it spends a lot of energy talking to me. But what is the me that it is talking to?

When I talk to myself, what is the self that is being talked to? I believe the answer is complicated. Sometimes I am talking to my own intelligence, my mind talking to my mind. Sometimes it is my ego that wants to be God, challenging my higher Self, which is the God in me. Sometimes it is the God in me, the life of my life, talking to my intellect. My highest, truest Self speaks without speaking. I can hear it with the heart. It may become words if I need it to do so, but it is more an understanding, clear and loving. It is Holy Spirit.

Getting ego out of the way is the most challenging block to hearing God within. Our ego voices can tell us all kinds of things. It tricks us into thinking it knows best. It berates us, or tells us we are better than we really are. It tells us what we do not want to hear; things our higher selves would never tell ourselves, because it would be untrue. Ego can speak without permission, blurting into our minds at inopportune times. It wants to be the God of our lives. We must tell it to move aside and make it do so by going deeper, for there is a deeper source of wisdom available. 

It exists on a level that ego cannot reach.


To reach this depth of our being quiet meditation helps. When we listen more deeply, God’s still, small voice becomes louder. It is not that it’s louder; we just have silenced the noise of our lives enough to hear it. It speaks in love, affirmations and encouragements. It doesn’t yell. It never puts down or causes guilt. It does not accuse, never demands and is always gentle – even when it speaks truths about changes we should make.


Today, my life told me that I need to change my sleep pattern. It told me I was tired and need to take care of my body better. It shared the wisdom that I need to rest more. I went to bed at 9:30pm instead of 2:30am. I do not like to admit being tired, but my life told me that being a good host for the body God gave me meant that I need to give it good rest. It helped me see that how I was feeling is how tired feels in me, even though I can go all night and even days without sleep. Tonight… I will sleep a long time. Tomorrow, when rested, my life may reveal more to me about me. Hope I listen.


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