Sharp Guidance

Guidance & Reflection – Week 50

by | Jun 28, 2021 | General


Week 50

God, what guidance do you have for me today?



Practice resting mind

and soul

even while awake

and accomplishing

needed tasks.

Breathe in calm…

Breathe out rest.

Breathe in rest…

Breathe out relax.

Let divinity’s grace carry you today.

Give all your concerns to me

and leave them with me.

Rest your heart in my love. 


Let silence soothe your mind.

Wear the world lightly.

Move slowly. Take your time.

Close your eyes often.

Let this day be one of renewal and restoration.

Be gentle with your self today

and let all things rest 

in the soul 

of the 






Week 50


Evening Reflection

I have learned through the years that rest is a gift. Worries and fears can keep the mind from resting. Stress can keep the body from resting, even when sleeping. Life’s heartaches and pains can keep the soul from resting. To truly rest is a gift indeed.

After weeks of writing and rehearsing for a yearly performance and presentation, it finally took place… and I am tired. This guidance was a reminder not just to rest, but how to rest. To breathe in calm and breathe out rest worked. When breathing in rest I could feel it actually helping me to relax my muscles and slow my mind, allowing my brain to take a break.

 But even more, resting allowed me to become more conscious of divinity carrying me. This alone made the guidance powerful for me today. But what does it mean to rest? For me, it meant letting things be what they are. It meant that I could get off of the merry-go-round of life and let the world turn without me.

Not engaging the world… wearing it lightly… are components of resting for me. Resting is a form of loving ourselves and taking care of our souls. Resting may be our most important physical activity. When we rest and are silent, our inner ears can hear divinity’s whispers more loudly, and we can feel our very being existing in and being held by divinity’s love and grace.

Today, I did rest, even though several times I had to tell my mind to stop working out things that can be attended to tomorrow; unless of course, I take another day to… rest.

How was the rest of your day?


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