Sharp Guidance

Guidance & Reflection – Week 48

by | Jun 14, 2021 | General



Week 48

God, how would have me live into this day, today?

Be at peace.

Whatever yesterday’s stresses may have been,


be at peace.

Have faith that all is contained 

in the love and care of God.

See challenge as a natural

component of life;

meet it calmly.

Breathe in peace…

Breathe out calm.

Ask for wisdom, then act with faith

that all will be well.

Do your best… then let go

and allow divinity to perform its


Yes, after asking for guidance,

and doing your best… surrender

to God.

That is the way to peace.

That is the way to receive

the grace of divinity in all things.





Week 48


Evening Reflection

This guidance worked beautifully for me… until. Yep, until. 

I was having a wonderful day giving it all to God, surrendering. I was rehearsing most of the day with my wife for an upcoming performance, and relaying the message that we are doing our best and must leave the results to divine will. Well, tonight we had our monthly event in our studio, and the evening went beautifully. It was really perfect… UNTIL… five minutes to go. We formed a circle with our participants and I relayed some beautiful things each person had contributed to the evening. As I spoke about each person, I called their name. When I got to the last person in this circle of eleven, I called him by a wrong name. I called him Jim instead of Brian. This is someone I have known for several years, mind you; someone I respect deeply. I didn’t even know that I had called him by a wrong name until I was informed and corrected by half the circle, immediately after I did it. Can you say, embarrassment? Brian has been coming to our events for three years. I do not even know how I did this, since I had called his name probably ten times through the course of the evening. Well, there went my peace, just like that. It had been a near perfect evening, and I was feeling good about myself, and how I had facilitated the evening. 

It has now been a good hour and a half since that happened and I still do not have my peace back. I apologized in person upon being corrected, and wrote and email with another apology as soon as I got home. I know Brian is way over it. In fact, I am sure it did not cause a ripple in him because of his spiritual maturity. But my ego still wanting to be perfect took a hit. 

To have peace when you are in the midst of acknowledging you are only human is a skill. The skill is giving it to God and letting it go; really letting it go. It is then that God’s grace can bless us with this precious gift. Really letting go of perfectionism and giving mistakes to God is a skill I thought I had a good handle on. But life knows how humble us… test us. 

Peace may come again tomorrow. How was your day?


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