Sharp Guidance

Guidance & Reflection – Week 46

by | May 31, 2021 | General



Week 46


God, how might I grow in wisdom today?

Be present in your endeavors.

Think ahead and be proactive

in preparations.


Ask Spirit for guidance.

Then, pause for a few moments

to receive the guidance asked for.

It will be there.


Be awake with gratitude and joy

for the One who gave you life, and who 

is glad to give you clear thinking and 

reasoning that is pure and 

holy, smart and wise.


Give thanks for grace received and 

insight gained.

Work with humility born of a grateful



Share with joy what the Creator has placed in you.

Smile, knowing you are not endeavoring


And let Sophia… wisdom… lead you

into greater growth of your soul and spirit,

moment by moment, 






Week 46


Evening Reflection

This is a new question. It came after I asked God how I could deepen this daily spiritual practice of writing guidances. I do not know why it did not come before, but probably it is that word, deepen. To deepen demands something new, or something not new done differently. This new question opens a passageway into a spiritual arena where I can access the very wisdom asked for.

Wisdom comes from God. It is the first thing Solomon asked for, and he is generally considered one of the wisest people on record. I have experience receiving wisdom. It has come as thoughts I know I didn’t think; thoughts I know I was not wise enough to think, no matter how smart I may be. Wisdom and smartness are different. Being smart is using intelligence while being wise demands the vision of the heart, the insight of the soul, and the grace of divinity. It includes the highest good for all involved and is not hampered by agenda. It flows from love. And it comes by invitation.

But all of this being said, the question is did I grow in wisdom today? 

Yes, I did. 

I invited wisdom in, and followed the guidance to think ahead and be present. The most important thing I did was to stay connected to Spirit and to sense the wisdom as it came through my soul moment by moment. I stayed open to its presence. I stayed open to the Spirit… that is always holy and wise.


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