Sharp Guidance

Guidance & Reflection – Week 32

by | Apr 5, 2021 | General

Week 32 


God, how would you have me serve your will, today? How would you have me live into the world today? How might I become a more powerful channel of love? 


Live within yourself today, 

and trust me in you. 

To live within yourself means 

to be comfortable in your own skin. 

Do not push or fake actions, reactions, 

words or behaviors. 

Just be yourself today, 

and trust me in you 

to guide your spirit and inspire 

your soul to live the day 

in grace and joy. 

Breathe me into all of your 

interactions, activities and encounters, 

allowing divinity to touch  

all that transpires today. 


Relax, even if you must work hard. 

Remain calm no matter the stresses 

of the day. 

Remember, as you live within yourself, 

I am living in you. 


Week 32 

Evening Reflection 


This was a very powerful message for me. I found that it helped me to relax all day and be comfortable in my skin, just like it encouraged me to do.  


Even as I worked very hard today, I could feel myself staying within myself. My wife and I are preparing a presentation, and part of it involves a lot of movement… well, tap dancing! Today as we rehearsed, I noticed that I moved in a much more relaxed manner, not being too demonstrative in my movements but allowing my body to be comfortable with what it can do and how it does so. Even as I have dance for decades, it was nice to notice the shift into a smoother, more relaxed style of movement. 


Also today, my interactions with people felt unstrained and easy. I did not try to be nice or joyful, I just allowed myself to be within my own sphere of energy. The upshot is that I really liked myself today. I experienced myself as a nice man… not trying to be nice, but simply that I am when I am just being me. I think I will do this same guidance tomorrow, even if I also have another one to go with it. This is definitely a powerful one for me right now. 


How was this guidance for you? 


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