Sharp Guidance

Guidance & Reflection – Week 31

by | Mar 28, 2021 | General

Week 31


God, what guidance do you have for me today?



Begin with yourself.

Forgive yourself for being imperfect.

You are after all, human.

That being said, everything you do and are is

perfect, including your perfect mistakes

and perfect weaknesses and faults.

The intent to grow as a created soul

turns all of your miscues into experiences

for learning and spiritual development.

Your intention to love and live into

more of your divinity will carry

you through the trips and falls,

and forgiving yourself paves the

ongoing path of your destiny with grace.

As you forgive yourself, your capacity

to forgive others increases, and the world

becomes better, filled with more of the love

and divinity you are meant to share.

Week 31

Evening Reflection

Every once in a while, I wonder how I am doing as a spiritual liver. I know the word liver is not a commonly used word, but it is what I mean; one who is aware of spirit as the lens through which I see and live life. It is always a dangerous thing to compare oneself to others, in particular to those who have been deemed spiritual giants. Everyone’s path is different and people develop at varying rates. Everyone comes into the world with a personality blueprint and if they choose to do so takes on the noble challenge to build themselves as humans throughout life. Some people stop growing while others strive to grow their entire lives.

I am a lifer. I am committed to growing all my life. That is probably why this guidance came. Both of my kids were in town and I always reassess on some level whether I have been a good dad for them. They have turned out to be fine adults and I hope I have had something to do with that. It is easy for me to remember my faults vis-à-vis my children but they have seemed to weather my storms. In any case, forgiveness is a truly wonderful gift to humanity, and today’s guidance was a welcome reminder that there is a divine grace called forgiveness. I recommend it. Today, I bathed in it, so to speak. And you?

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