Sharp Guidance

Guidance & Reflection – Week 30

by | Mar 20, 2021 | General


Week 30


God, how may I be more loving, today? What would you have me say and do?

Where would you have me grow? What would you have me be like in the world, today?

How may I be of service?



notice your natural reactions to

the goings on of your day and life.

Pay close attention to who you are in the

moment… to where you resist being loving

or kind… to when you feel yourself losing

patience… to when you are out of peace.

At these times, re-center yourself.

Pause and breathe in peace, breathe out love.

Breathe in love, breathe out beauty.

Let this pausing space and centering breathing

reestablish your desire to live beautifully

today… to extend grace to others and be kind in

manner and being.

Let yourself be filled with divinity’s light

and love. Let it seep through the

boundaries of your body and flow into the

spaces, places, and faces of the day.

As you do this, you will know what to say and do,

how to serve, where growth is needed,

how to be in the world,

and how you can be more loving

today and always.

Week 30

Evening Reflection


I was very focused today on de-cluttering my office. I didn’t plan it. I was inspired as the tree trimmers arrived to trim the trees in our yard. My wife had just spent weeks clearing out unneeded items and reorganizing her office. I think the message was loud for me. Prune! Trim! Get rid of decorative items that no longer speak to you! Get rid of old technology! I had wires stored away that were never going to be used again because the technology had changed so rapidly. I spent the whole day spring-cleaning in January.

My office is on the top floor of our home. It affords a great view of the mountains and valley but in recent years a Maple tree had grown such that it blocked my view. After the tree surgeons had done their job I noticed one branch still in my sightline. I wasn’t going to say anything because he had done a great job, but he asked me if I was satisfied. With divinity’s light in my eyes and appreciation in my heart I let divinity’s grace flow through my eyes into the face of the bearded, tough-looking worker. I admitted there was tiny branch still bothering me, right in my line of sight that I wanted removed. He graciously brought back out of the truck the tree saw. I went to my office and guided him to the top branch. He stretched to reach it but got it. Ahh…. I had my perfect view back. I gave him a round of applause and he replied that he never gets applause for his work. I told him that since I was standing he was actually getting a standing ovation. His smiled widened.

I noticed today that as things unfolded, I was able to allow things to be without trying to change them. From washing clothes to cleaning my office to helping calm the emotions of loved one who had a bad day, I noticed that I did breathe in peace and breathe out love. In most moments of the day today, who I was is who I want to continue being… a person that is more loving, today and always.



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