Sharp Guidance

Guidance & Reflection – Week 28

by | Mar 8, 2021 | General


Week 28

God, what guidance do you have for me today?

Complete the work I have given 

you to do. 


It is specific to you and the  

gifts and talents I have placed in  



You are a steward of these 

skills… and they are a help to 



Keep the faith that your work  

serves a greater purpose than 

you may see or even come to know. 


Your own personal growth is 

fueled by your efforts and greatly 

contributes to your soul’s journey  

and expansion. 


Today, work conscientiously,  

with excellence and joy.  


Feel divine grace swirling  

in your being. 


Let them dance in your intellect  

and move your heart. 


Let gratitude underlie all you do  

and accomplish today, and let 

reverence be the over-arching tone of  

your soul. 


After your day’s work… give it all 

to me, with faith that it will serve 

my will as I intend. 


Week 20


Evening Reflection


What a start to this day! There are a few guidances during the year where I missed writing an evening reflection on the same day. This usually occurred due to some activity that brought me home late, and being tired, well, I went to bed. This is one of them.

Before I knew I was going to engage this guidance I went to the Jacuzzi to relax and think. I ended up ruminating about the many projects I still wanted to do, and thinking that I wouldn’t get them all done and out in the world in my lifetime, though each of them were now in various stages of development. I decided the thing to do was to just keep going, doing what I do, because it is what I do. I thought of my father’s admonition to “keep on living and see what happens.” This statement is essentially a call to embrace the adventure of life, including all the unknowns.

When I sat down at my desk I looked at my files and printed the first guidance my eyes landed on that needed a reflection and printed it out without reading it yet. I went to the printer, grabbed the guidance and sat to read it. When I read the first line I sat stunned! It is as if God had been in the Jacuzzi hearing my self-doubts and sent me a personal, direct message about the very work I was questioning.

After I read the whole thing I literally got up from my chair and threw my hands in the air spread wide in a hallelujah pose, looking up and thanking God for this incredible message showing up in my life months after I had originally written it. It is at times like these that it is proven to me in my own experience that God is with us, knows what we are going through, and can get to us with a message of love, grace, hope and peace. One part of the message that was especially peace-giving was that my own personal growth is fueled by my efforts. I took this to mean that whether my projects reach the audience I envision or not, my efforts are part of my own growth and development as a soul. In other words, it was an encouragement to do what I do and keep doing it, and leave the results to God.

And so today, I am engaging the work before me with renewed vigor and joy, knowing God has guided me to this particular message this particular day, and that it was the perfect message for me. And it is only 9:30am!


I spent the rest of the day working diligently on several projects, running needed errands and enjoying family time with a pronounced sense of calm and peace. I think this guidance will be in my pocket for days to come and probably on my bulletin board. How did it speak to your life today?


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