Sharp Guidance

Guidance & Reflection – Week 25

by | Feb 15, 2021 | General


Week 25

God, what guidance do you have for me today?



raise your consciousness.

Expand your awareness and

attune yourself to your path,

your life’s work and your destiny.


You are born for a purpose,

for a work which contributes to the

lives of others as well as your own

growth and development as a



Find a place to be alone.

Breathe deeply and calmly,

gently moving aside the day’s concerns.


Go deep and connect with the

inner core of your being.


There… in that field of divinity,

bathe in the absolute joyfulness

of your existence; in the unconditional

love you are immersed in and

surrounded by.


Refresh your soul in its life purpose,

which always begins with the

call to love…

whatever else there is.


Slowly come back, alert to

your surroundings and

holding on to the energy of divinity.

Carry it with you today.

In all you do and say, allow the

grace of my spirit to flow from you

as you live your path and do your life’s work,

fulfilling your destiny.


Week 25


Evening Reflection

Really? Live my path? Do my life’s work? Fulfill my destiny? My first hit was who talks like this?

Well, God.

There are times we are encouraged to look at the big picture of our lives. Some examples where this has occurred for me have been: high school graduation, college graduation, significant birthdays and other milestones. But many of the days we are alive are ordinary days full of the minutia of living. However, every day is a day of destiny, of living our path, of doing our life work. In the bigness of it all, we are called to love each and every day. To do just that is path enough, life work enough and destiny enough, whatever else we do. No matter our job, position, status or financial circumstance, it is love that is our highest calling and our greatest work.

Today was empowering for me as I stayed conscious of my path, my spirituality, my life work of being a spiritual teacher and creating resources for spiritual growth, and my destiny to do this work as long as God allows. On an incredibly synchronistic note, I received a message that my first daily guidance manuscript would be published! This news was exciting, humbling and affirming. It was also joyfully mysterious for its timing with this guidance.

I believe that as we live our purpose we are helped, guided, even cheered by the divine world. And we are provided signs that let us know we are indeed on the path, doing our life work, and fulfilling our destiny. Today was one for me.

What was your experience?


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