Week 20
God, what guidance do you have for me today?
Let the gentleness of your being
come through.
Let the softness of your soul
be seen in your actions
and words.
Let kindness light your way.
Listen with a heart of compassion
and let grace be in your
in-breath and out-breath.
You are my child in the world.
You are an ambassador of
and love.
Be this, today.
Will you?
Week 20
Evening Reflection
I did this all day! All day… almost.
I must admit I have a much more difficult time fulfilling a guidance like this when I run into a certain person, as I occasionally do, that rubs me the wrong way. I feel they are taking advantage of a close friend. I cannot stop it on either side, since they are adults and my friend knows how I feel and even agrees with me for the most part.
So, like I was saying, I almost did this all day. Being aware of the guidance kept me from being more curt than I probably would have been, and more courteous than I wanted to be. I wanted to be the opposite of an ambassador to peace, joy and love. As I conversed with the person, I wondered if he could see my real feelings as I looked him in the eye. That question at the end of the guidance haunted me. Will you?… I kept hearing in my head.
Well, I didn’t in my heart, and the dissonance in me was intense. So, what does that say? It says I am human. It says there are reasons for my feelings and no real excuses for my actions as one committed to love unconditionally. I did not do that with one person. Does that ruin the rest of the day? No. But it does show me where growth is needed. I know this test will keep coming. I will say thank you as I grit my teeth. And perhaps, as I keep committing to my own spiritual growth, I will let go and let God so completely that I will lavish unconditional love on this person next time.
How’d you do today… all day?