Sharp Guidance

​Guidance & Reflection – Week 18

by | Dec 28, 2020 | General



Week 18


God, what guidance do you have for me today?

Be the constant divine ‘yes’ to your life,

        no matter what you are feeling,

        wrestling with or challenged by.


Have faith in life;

        trust divinity’s love and goodwill for you.


Have courage today.

        No matter the shadows you may be immersed in,

        stand erect in the midst of your own darkness.


Be not dismayed by your dreams not yet lived…

        or the work still calling from your soul’s depths.


Today, rest in divinity’s ever-present support

        and reclaim who you really are.


Hold with tenderness the parts of you

        that doubt or are afraid.


Breathe in faith… breathe out peace.

        Breathe in peace… breathe out calm.


And with joy be the constant divine ‘yes’

        to your beauty, your work… your life.





Week 18


Evening Reflection


Today I had a phone conversation with an old friend that went into great depth about our lives. We covered topics ranging from the arts to politics to religion and world affairs. We talked about how we see ourselves fitting into it all and our relative ability to affect anything given that we are but one person. But the topic that surprised us was that we became vulnerable and honest about the things we have not done. He admitted that he knew he was a Pulitzer Prize winning writer, but that he hadn’t done anything about it. What a powerful confession. I admitted my disappointments and unfulfilled dreams.

Remembering the guidance, I was able to take a deep breath and claim the many blessings that life has brought my way, including my long-term friendship with this amazing man. Together, we voiced the dreams we still have; but also the satisfaction that our work and relationships have brought.

We ended our conversation by sharing what an amazing conversation it has been. We had given each other encouragement. He was the yes to my life and I the yes to his. We became each other’s keeper in the space of our time together. We were each other’s constant. After the conversation, I felt more empowered to continue living into the guidance; to be the divine yes to my life, while standing in the shadows of my being, undismayed by dreams not yet lived.



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