Sharp Guidance

Guidance & Reflection – Week 9

by | Oct 26, 2020 | General


Week 9


God, what guidance do you have for me today?

I would have you relax.

I would have you relax.

Put your concerns and worriesinto a larger context and container.

They are not as daunting as they seem.

Imagine that you… your very existence,and all that it contains are part of your learning journey.

Today, let the lesson make you laugh… 

Infuse any burden with lightness of being.

Then, let go and enjoythe beauty around you… and in you.

Where is it? 

Find it.  Embrace it.  Relax…

Take a deep breath…

Relax your shouldersas you exhale.

Breathe in again… and let hope find its way into you…

Exhale, thinking peace.

Allow peace to soothe, today.

And… relax.


Week 9

Evening Reflection


Today I went to see an acupuncturist. As he gently placed needles into me he practically stated word for word the first stanza of the guidance. He then started quoting the stanza that started with imagine, saying, “Imagine a place of your choosing. A place that brings you peace.”  I laughed internally, in a state of wonder and awe that this man was clearly echoing the guidance. Today I went to see an acupuncturist. As he gently placed needles into me he practically stated word for word the first stanza of the guidance. He then started quoting the stanza that started with imagine, saying, “Imagine a place of your choosing. A place that brings you peace.”  I laughed internally, in a state of wonder and awe that this man was clearly echoing the guidance.

The acupuncturist directed my imagination to think of a real place or one I created. I imagined a lush forest with a quiet lake, beautiful flora, a waterfall in the distance as background music. I lay on my back on thick green grass, looking up at the bluest sky. It was warm. I was peaceful. 

I did all the things the guidance had called for without remembering what it said until I had read it again afterwards. Again, I was amazed.

Note: One truly amazing occurrence is that the doctor put several needles in my shoulders. My shoulder was hurting but I didn’t mention it. Hm… 

Today was a great reminder that peace is available. So is deep relaxation. The doctor also put needles in a portion of my back called the graveyard of fears. He asked me to place my fears and worries there. Again, I was in wonder at the symbiotic synchronicity of the guidance and this experience of Chinese medicine. No matter the labels in life, Spirit is everywhere – no label needed.



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