Sharp Guidance

Guidance & Reflection – Week 6

by | Oct 5, 2020 | General


 Week 6


God, what guidance do you have for me today?

Today, be guided by love.

In all things let it be the first expression of your soul.

Let it infuse every word you speak, today, and every task you take on.

When challenged (as you surely will be)remember this day’s guidance;

take a deep breath and exhale slowly… gathering your resolve
to be loving.

Remember that love is kind…it does not hold on to anger.

Love is patient. It is filled with compassion and is gentle in nature.

It is the stuff of our being; it is what we are made of, and made for.

Love is the light within us… ever ready to shine out to others… if we are willing.

Today, be willing to love. It is our highest calling.

Are you willing?

Week 6

Evening Reflection


So, immediately after writing this guidance… I was challenged. Not by anything outside of me… but by ME!

First of all, I was tired. I had a very late night. I was up until 4:00 am getting work done to meet a deadline.

Being tired truly challenges one’s everything. I didn’t feel like being loving.

But the guidance, more than anything today, challenged my commitment to be loving. While being tired and feeling like I didn’t have the forces to be anything except tired, I realized… this is all of our challenges. That is, to be loving no matter what. No matter what state we are in or how we are feeling.

There is no excuse for not being loving (as challenging as it may be at times). There are reasons, of course, for NOT being loving, but no excuses.

There can be compassion and forgiveness directed to those who do not love; but still, there are no excuses for those who choose not to be loving.

Today, my wife asked me how I was… in that tone that said, “I know something is going on with you.” I said I was tired. Actually, I said I was, “A little tired.”

I could feel her backing away.

I must have given off a cold energy.

We had a counseling session to go to about an acquaintance we were working with… and I was not feeling at all this was something I wanted to do. But remembering the guidance and wanting to be intentional about love, I eventually felt myself engage love about the whole thing.

It was really quite remarkable. I actually triumphed over the human condition… to LOVE… instead of not love… despite my tiredness, which can weaken willpower.

Willingness is stronger than tiredness. WILL POWER… will power your decisions.

But it ain’t easy! Especially when you’re tired. FYI



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