Sharp Guidance

Guidance & Reflection – Week 5

by | Sep 28, 2020 | General


Week 5


God, what guidance do you have for me today?

Connect to that which is in you…Connect to that which is in you…that which is closest to your heart.

Take another step in fulfilling your purpose… in completing the work that I have place in your soul.

Nothing I have called you to is in vain.All you are… all you do… is part of your own becoming; part of your own growth.

Think not too much about success or money or achievement. Just do the work to the best of your ability.

Have faith in sharing what I have place in you…

Dare to be bold. Have courage in your business dealings.Do not be afraid to be turned down or rejected.

Do not be afraid or surprised at any triumphs unexpected or opportunities you didn’t see coming.

Remember… I am with you in it all.You do not dream alone,  work alone or hope alone.

This day, gather yourself and give God your best.

And know the heavenly host is applauding;cheering you on – and showering their graces…  on you.

Week 5

Evening Reflection


There are times we work hard and do not see the results we hope for. Today was a day I awakened feeling at the end of myself. Having worked hard for several years now on several projects, I saw nothing more to do with them.

This is when fear and doubt can set in. The work is completed… but the sharing of it is now the challenge.

Who will want it? Is it good enough? Am I business savvy enough? Will all my time turn into financial success?

These concerns are normal, but they can be haunting. Today’s guidance was a rescue from that. The work may be done, but it also continues… as it is also part of my spiritual practice. That is, the work I am called to do; and actually doing it, is part of my answering God’s call.

It is a spiritual practice to answer God’s call and move in that direction. The result, whether it becomes worldly success or not, is God’s business. The spiritual growth that comes from doing the work itself is the gift that comes, no matter what else happens.

I was ‘told’ by God a long time ago that God promised to take care of me… and God has. At 62 years of age, I am healthy and can pay my bills, etc.

The rest of it… well, that is the adventure of life, isn’t it?



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