Sharp Guidance

Guidance & Reflection – Week 3

by | Sep 21, 2020 | General


Week 3


God, what guidance do you have for me today?

Today, Today,  keep it simple. Do your best to be a beautiful person.

Do so not with effort, but with grace. Do not try… Be.

Stay relaxed… breathe calmly.

With quiet humility enjoy the gift of life, today. Look upon all persons and each circumstance you encounter with love.

Be a gentle light shining…a loving presence…

How to do all these simple things, you ask?

Be aware of the divinity that surrounds you…is over you, under you, beside you, and inside you. Then, let it permeate all you say and do; let it become in you what you already are… 


Week 3

Evening Reflection


Today turned out to be a pretty simple day, as days go. Today turned out to be a pretty simple day, as days go.

• I went to the grocery store with my wife.

• I welcomed visiting friends of my daughter to our home.

• My wife and I had dinner together – just the two of us. It was a fondue. She made it… I cleaned up.

That being said, the guidance helped me keep a focus on its encouragement to let light shine even while keeping things simple.

When my daughter’s friends showed up, I simply welcomed them with love. You know, you can actually feel when you are letting your light shine and when you are being loving. Others can feel it also, whether they acknowledge it. 

My daughter’s friends stayed longer than they had thought they would. 

Why?  Because they enjoyed talking to me and my wife. 

We offered them fondue… and they joined us rather than just immediately going to my daughter’s room. 

In the grocery store, we could see people responding to us with more light, seen in their helpfulness… and smiles.

Even when days are slow and easy; with not much happening… the light of divinity still touches, blesses, changes, and transformers the spaces we visit… even the people we encounter.

Final thought: Keep it simple today… and be beautiful.

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