Sharp Guidance

Guidance & Reflection – Week 1

by | Jun 15, 2020 | General

Week 1

God, what guidance do you have for me today?

Consider the span of your days…

     and today be thankful of the

          years you have been alive.

Consider the wisdom you have gained,

     the experience you have lived through

          and the insight you have acquired.

          Give thanks to the Loving Presence

     for all you have… all you have been through…

and all you have come through.


     to consider what may have been –

          and count your blessings.

Today, rededicate your life to the

     One who gave it to you,

          and recommit to the cause of Love.

          Let all you do and all you accomplish

     be for the high purpose of your soul’s

divine calling.

Let the strength of your heart forces

     light the way, and let gratitude

          be the perfume of all your successes.

Yes, today…

     pause and consider;

          be grateful and give thanks;

          be grateful…

                                   and give thanks.

Evening Reflection

We live in such a fast-paced world that it is quite a challenge for many to STOP; even to just PAUSE… and slow down enough to allow contemplation, deep consideration and reflection. It is important to do what many people learned as kids when being taught to walk across the street. STOP, LOOK, LISTEN… then GO.

Stopping… allows us the chance to take in what we may have missed as we hurtle down the road of life. This may include opportunities for personal development; or the recognition of beauty and grace that could inspire us on a profound level.

Looking… when stopped allows a deeper inner vision to connect with our physical sight. It opens up the possibility of a more powerful appreciation for the good things in one’s life, gratitude for lessons learned, and gratefulness for personal growth and accomplishments achieved.

Listening. Now this is truly an act of faith. To stop, look, and then listen means to have faith that the universe can indeed speak to you. Holy Spirit’s whispers, the voice of God, guidance from the angelic realm; these heavenly voices can be heard, felt in the soul and received by one’s spirit; but we must listen with our whole being, especially with our hearts.

GO. When we have stopped, looked, listened… and the message is clear concerning our next step forward, we can then move in faith, walking confidently toward the goal and calling set before us.

To contemplate and consider one’s life is a powerful exercise; one that can be done daily and on many levels.

How did you do it, today?

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